Serena Williams English Open Grand Slam By OPI

Hey guys! I was so excited when my new Grand Slam colors came in the mail today and I just couldn't wait to share them with you!

The new colors, introduced for the English Open at the beginning of June, are Grape...Set...Match (metallic purple) and Your Royal Shine-ness (Shimmery Silver). Both of these colors come with Servin' Up Sparkle, which is a glitter top coat. No shatters *tears*...OPI made up for the missing shatters in the other colors though!

Grape...Set...Match is a purple with blue and pink shimmers in it. It looks metallic and it's really pretty. With just two coats I got great coverage! It's super-duper pretty without Servin' Up Sparkle over the top.

The second color is Your Royal Shine-ness. It's a silver that looks like you just dipped your nails in a pot of molten silver. It went on a little thick, but then again, it had just come out of a 100 degree mailbox! Both the colors are really super glam...and, again, that's without the Servin' Up Sparkle!

Then, it comes! The beyond words top-coat-to-end-all-top-coats, Servin' Up Sparkle. It really lives up to it's name! It catches the light and reflects all the colors of the rainbow! And I have to honestly say that it is without doubt the best glitter top coats I ever used, partially because the big glitters actually come out of the bottle on the brush! I'm excited that I don't have to pull them out with an orange stick! And as another positive, it doesn't get rough and bumpy to the point of driving you to insanity...or at least chipping it's very smooth, for a glitter! And it looks AMAZING over the Grape...Set...Match! I don't like it as much over Your Royal Shine-ness, but it is still pretty!

I certainly hope that Serena Williams continues to work with OPI because I really LOVE the colors! What do you guys think of them?

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