National Dog Party Mural and 3-D Dogs

Hello again! I don't have anything really tonight, except the fact that the 24th was National Dog Party Day (a day we were really looking foward to celebrating!) We have a coupla dogs, 2 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, 1 Biewer Yorkie, and 1 German Shepard. They all got spoiled today with treats and extra tummy rubs! ♥

To celebrate this fun-tastical day, I made a special set of nails. The right hand is a mural of one of our Cavalier's, Marlon Brando. I just love him to bits and pieces 'cause he's so adorable!

The left hand is a bit of acrylic work. I had a little trouble with the hats, but all-in-all I don't think it's a bad job. My little brother asked what kind of dogs I had been trying to make, and he seemed kinda disappointed when I told him I wasn't really trying to make breeds. I was just makin' partyin' dogs!

That's all I got for you tonight, except some really cute pictures of the pooches that my mom took. Here are Marlon Brando, Humphrey Bogart, and James Cagney. respectively!

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