Easy Summer Tie Dye Nail Art!

Hey Guys! I just wanted to share what I think is the easiest way to get a really cool tie dye effect on your nails without all the hassle of bowls of water and fussy drips of polish.

To get this really cool look you have to start with a white base. The white helps to really brighten the colors and make them POP. After the white has COMPLETELY dried, you can pick a few colors to create your design (I prefer something bright and not matte). I used Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear in HOT MAGENTA (pink) and in CRUSHED (orange), NYC EAST VILLAGE (blue), Sally Hansen 3D in LITE (yellow), and Maybelline Express Finish in GO GO GREEN (Green).
The only tool you need to accomplish this look is a sponge. I use a makeup sponge, but I've found that any type of sponge works and they all give you different effects. Experiment and toy with things! HAVE FUN! THERE IS NO WRONG WAY!!!
So, to start, pick a color and place a drop on a piece of paper. Then, you dip your sponge and dab it on your white nail (you may need to dab it on the paper a few times to get any extra off the sponge, otherwise it squishes everywhere and makes a total mess). You continue with all the colors you chose, dabbling them around one another and even over the edges of each other for a great blended effect.
After you've gotten the look you want, and it drys, be sure to place a top coat over it, and then...it's time to hit that pool party, Baby!!!

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