New Revlon and Sinful Colors Blue

First off, I gotta apologize for not being on in a few days. I had a whole tutorial typed out and then...the computer crashed. I tried for five hours to fix it, and at 4 a.m., I finally gave up and went to bed. I haven't really felt like being on the computer because of that. So thanks for being patient!
While I was doing absolutely nothing, I picked up two new colors at the store. One of them is a new scented polish from Revlon and the other is a Sinful Colors color from the 4th of July collection.

The first I wanna talk about is the Revlon, mainly cause it has some...quirks. It's called MINT FIZZ, and like I said, it's from the new Scented Parfumé collection. It's a blue, glittery color and we couldn't wait to try it. One of the first things my mom and I noticed was the fact that it went on goopy, it was very strange. It wasn't like it was drying out, it just went on very gloppy. It also gave us lousy coverage. It took three thick coats for it to really show up. However, it did smell very strongly of mint. A little shocker here. When my mom and I looked at it after she had had it on for a day, it actually looked prettier than when it first went on! You just have to remember to put a top coat over it because it chips and peels very easily. You have to put a base coat under it too because it stains your nails blue without it...lazy me. Little point of historical intrest--Did you know that scented nail polish began in the 1930's? However, it was soon discontinued because people began sniffing more than was good for them. It's only recently made a bold reappearance through Revlon.

The second color is Sinful Color's CIAO BELLA and it's from their collection for the 4th of July. It's a deep blue (yep, I was in a blue mood when I went shopping). It also has a good amout of sparkle to it, too. I really like Sinful Colors, they are really cheap and they always go on nicely. CIAO BELLA is no exception. I really LOVE this color! It's perfect for Independence Day. It's got that US of A look to it. Perfect for flags! And it went on great. I got perfect coverage with just two coats!

That's all I've got for you guys now! Talk to ya soon! TTFN!

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