OPI Prirates of the Carribean & Grand Slam

One of my absolute fave nail art looks is OPI's Shatter Collection. Each polish gives you spectacular results everytime. They can give you every look from hard rockin' chick to sleek elegant madame. AND IT'S TOTALLY FOOL PROOF!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I've got two different collections that I'm gonna look at, The Pirates of the Carribean with Silver Shatter, and Serena Williams Grand Slam with Red and White Shatter.

When the Pirates of the Carribean Collection came out, I was possibly the first with my credit card out and ready to swipe. I was extremely excited, not just because of my love for anything that is related to Johnny Depp, but because of the new Shatter. My mom and I waited for what seemed like forever before the polish finally arrived. At first, we were a tad disappointed because it shattered very little. It wasn't until a few days later that I realized you cannot goop it on, which was what we were doing in all our excitement. Instead, you have to brush it on lightly. After we figured that out, it was smooth sailing. (No POTC pun intended ☺) The rest of the collection includes: Sparrow Me The Drama (Dark Pink), Steady As She Rose (Pale Pink), Planks A Lot (Purple), Stranger Tides (Muddy Green), Skull & Glossbones (Off-White), and Mermaids Tears (Green). They all go on very nicely and they are all pretty. I think my Faves are Sparrow Me The Drama and Mermaids Tears. Just a reminder, DO NOT GOOP!!!! Lightly brush. AND, as always, TOP COAT!!!!!

The second collection I really love is the Serena Williams Grand Slam. These colors come with different shades of Shatter: Black, Red, and White. As a matter of fact, the Black Shatter that was released with Simply Smashing was the first ever and I fell in love with it instantly! The great thing about it is no matter how much you slop on it shatters like a charm, it's not temperamental like the Silver. If you don't have it already you should look into purchasing it!

The colors that came out during the French Open in May were Spark De Triomphe with White Shatter and Rally Pretty Pink with Red Shatter. Personally, I had a very hard time finding them. I eventually found them on EBAY and had to pay 30.00 for the four of them. I really love Spark De Triomphe, which is a gold glitter. I think it can be worn by itself, but the white gives it a certain charm.

My mom and I looked high and low particularly for Rally Pretty Pink. It is a pinkish color with a gold variegation. However, when the mailman finally delivered it, we were sooooo disappointed. The color itself is SO BEAUTIFUL and it goes on great. Sadly, it looks terrible on both of us. My mother has extremely fair skin, and I have dark olive skin. The polish is nearly the color of my skin! (I'll share a little secret with you guys, Zoya's FAYE is the same exact color!!!) As for the Red Shatter, it goes on and shatters great, but in my own opinion, it looks kinda cheap. OPI suggests using the Red over Lucerne-tainly Look Marvelous (a color that looks really cool on it's own). It makes the Shatter a little darker, less red and more burgundy. I don't think it looks as cheap either. So, I suggest trying it over different colors. Real-quick-kinda-off-topic story, my mother and I have broken 3 bottles of Lucerne-tainly Look Marvelous, but it's so cool that we went out and continued to buy it again and again. ☺

The English Open at the beggining of June brought 3 new colors Grape...Set...Match, Your Royal Shine-ness, and Servin' Up Sparkle. None of them are shatters, sadly. And at present they are in the mail on their way to my house so I can tell you guys all about them!

Peace, Love, and Nail Art!

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