Konad: Temporary Tattoo's for Nails!

Here's something really cool, it's called Konad. It gives you amazing nail art in only a couple of steps. It takes a little practice and patience at first, but really it's so easy a caveman can do it...excuse my crumby joke.

The reason I love Konad is because it adds a lovely embellishment to any set of nails. It has a look that simply cannot be created with a brush...no matter how good you are.

I bought my set for pretty cheap on amazon.com, it was $17.00 and it came with a couple of plates and three colors of Konad Special Polish. So it was really quite the steal. I've bought a lot of plates separately off Amazon as well because they are dirt-cheap.

A lot of things that I have seen and heard about Konad talk about little girls using it. That just goes to show you how easy it is to use.

Alrighty then, let's get down to buisness! First off, decide what Konad design you want to use. There are literally thousands to choose from. There are roses, crosses, animals, designs for holidays, French Manicure tips, and even designs that cover your whole nail. Once, you've decided that, and picked the Konad color to go with it, you give yourself a basic mani with one of your everyday polishes.

After your nails are completely dry, you then get to play with the wonderful toys made by Konad.

To start, you HAVE TO WORK FAST!! In order for Konad to work, you have to use the polish made by the company. It's nearly instant drying so, I suggest having everything you need set up (this includes making sure that you removed the piece of plastic wrap the company covers the mirror-surface of the plates with...please note that that tip is from experiance)☺

Begin by placing a good amount of Konad Special Polish (you have to use this!) on the silver plate with the image on it.

You then take the scraper, the little plastic thingy with the bit of metal sticking off, and scrape the extra polish off. It's importand to use the scraper at a 45 degree angle and to make sure that you have left enough polish in the grooves to be picked up. (another little note: everything MUST be kept clean for it to work!)

Working very quickly, you roll the rubber portion of the stamper across the design to 'pick it up' (the stamper is the oblongish-like tube-y thingy with the round rubber piece at one end and a purple Konad logo on the other) It's incredible the way that the stamper actually 'pulls' the polish off the plate! However, sometimes the stamper doesn't get all of the stamp off, then I find that if you take a nail file to the rubber ever so gently, it picks up better. Unforunately, if the whole stamp doesn't get stuck to the stamper you have to wipe it off and start all over again, it could take a few trys, but it's worth it.

After you get the stamp on the stamper, you use the same rolling motion to get the polish off the stamper and onto your nail. It takes a lot of practice to get it exactly where you want it. The great thing though is that if you don't get it in the exact place that you wanted it...no one has to know! It's nail art, there is no right or wrong and no one can say otherwise.

So have fun with Konad. You can even add a couple of rhinestones here or there, maybe some glitter, or you can just leave it the way it is. Whatever! Just have fun with it!
(for those that are wondering I used Sinful Colors Black on Black and Snow Me White, Wet 'n Wild Blackmail, and Heaven Nail Lacquer Alluring (Yellow), Pinky Pink (pink) and Serenity (orange)

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