Glow-in-the-dark Nail Polish

Sorry that I haven't been on in a few days, but I haven't felt very well. Anyway, I'll make up for it by showing you guys a really super cool GLOW IN THE DARK polish that ACTUALLY WORKS!!!!!

Now, I don't know if you are as excited as I am, but this is the very first Glow in the Dark polish that I have EVER owned that truly glows, and I MEAN THAT IT GLOWS!

It's simply called, GLOW IN THE DARK, and it is made by NO MISS Cosmetics. If you've never heard of them before, (very likely) you should check out their website... . They make lip gloss, and mascara, and eye shadows, as well as nail polish. The really great thing about them is that everything they make is made with natural ingredients, and non-cancerous, non-chemical products. Who doesn't like that? And their cosmetics are pretty cheap. My bottle of GLOW IN THE DARK polish was only $8.95.

Oke-doke, back to the polish. It goes on great and it glows like no one would believe. I have had a number of glow in the dark polishes, but I would always be dissapoined when they didn't work, or I would wish that I would work if I put it over another color. Guess what!?! NO MISS GLOW IN THE DARK works great as a top coat! It changes the color of the underneath polish so little that you don't even notice it. NOTE: IT ONLY GLOWS GREEN, IT DOES NOT TURN THE COLOR OF THE BASECOAT THAT YOU USE!
It doesn't really look like anything if you put it on by itself. It's a very nearly clear polish with a kinda grainy-dull look to it. So, I suggest putting it over something. It also adds a nice touch to nail art.

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